
For millions of people, back pain is a part of daily life. While it’s tempting to just treat the symptoms with over-the-counter painkillers, exercise can reduce these aches. Here are five reasons why you should add working out to your care routine.

Exercise Offers These 5 Benefits for People With Back Pain

1. Building Hamstring Strength

Those who have back pain often experience incorrect posture. Both sitting and standing—especially for long periods—can take a severe toll on the body. By performing exercises like weight lifting to increase strength in the hamstrings, you can build muscle to help better align the spine and prevent back pain. 

2. Increasing Flexibility

back pain Many Americans sit for hours every day. This inactivity can create sore, stiff muscles. It’s important to practice stretching like yoga to lengthen the muscles and keep them supple so you can move freely. 

3.  Reducing Inflammation

Sciatica is a common cause of back pain. Often, this condition occurs when the piriformis and gluteal muscles are swollen or irritated and place pressure on the sciatic nerve. Performing exercises that stretch these muscles—like sitting spinal twists—can loosen them and reduce stress that is causing aching and numbing sensations.

4. Increasing Range of Motion

When people are in pain, they naturally tense their muscles. Those dealing with back problems may limit their movements to try and address these aches. Regularly working out can help increase range of motion, which may mitigate back pain during everyday tasks like sitting, standing, or lifting groceries.

5. Strengthening the Core

If you’re experiencing nonspecific lower back pain, strengthening your core may help by stabilizing the spine. Improving your abdominal strength will take some of the weight and pressure off the back muscles, allowing them to loosen. This often minimizes low back aches.


If you want to learn how to manage back pain, contact North Pole Chiropractic in Alaska. Dr. Jack Harrison D.C. runs the practice that focuses on natural healing through posture adjustments, pain management, and healthy lifestyles. Call (907) 488-1885 or visit their website for information on their services for improving mobility, addressing injury recovery, and spine alignment. 
