
Oral problems like gum disease are the most common clinical pet health issue seen among cats and dogs. That’s why Clark Animal Care Center is honoring a $75 DISCOUNT off dental cleanings where you can take the opportunity to care for your furry friend’s teeth and gums. Book an appointment through the end of February, even if it’s for a scheduled cleaning in March or April and we will give you $75 off your pet’s next dental cleaning.

You can also follow the five tips below to ensure your pet enjoys a long, clean, and healthy life.  

5 Tips to Protect Your Pet’s Smile  

1. Brush Daily With Pet-Friendly Toothpaste

Just like humans, pets accumulate plaque, a bacterial film that forms along teeth and increases the risk for tooth decay and gum disease. To keep this natural hazard at bay, brush your companion’s teeth using an animal-friendly toothbrush. Use pet-friendly toothpaste, as human toothpaste contains high amounts of fluoride, a substance toxic to cats and dogs. While once a day is optimal, even just a few times a week will make a drastic difference. 

2. Provide Chew Toys

Although brushing is best, your pet may not always be in the mood for manual teeth cleaning. As a backup, provide them with specially designed chew toys that help remove plaque and stimulate gums. Dogs can also benefit from chewing on braided ropes. Be careful with rawhide bones, as these can pose choking risks. 

3. Make Water Available 

pet healthWhen your cat or dog isn’t properly hydrated, they may develop dry mouth. This condition allows oral bacteria to thrive, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. To avoid the problem, make sure they always have a source of fresh water available. Drinking water can also help rinse away food debris that contributes to oral health problems.

4. Reconsider Food Choices

Choose pet food products that are low in carbohydrates, as sugars can bind to teeth and promote bacterial activity. While some experts contend that crunchy kibble is better for oral health than wet food since it’s less likely to stick to teeth, others argue that the difference is negligible. If you’re unsure which food is best for your pet health concerns, consult a trusted veterinarian.

5. Visit a Vet Regularly

Your cat or dog should visit a veterinarian at least once a year for a general wellness exam. In addition to checking other important aspects of pet health, your animal doctor will assess your companion’s mouth to check for gum disease and tooth decay. They’ll also provide deep cleaning to clear away hard-to-remove plaque and tartar.


Providing comprehensive veterinary services in Penfield, NY, Clark Animal Care Center is a trusted resource for all your pet health needs — including dental care. Backed by state-of-the-art tools, these caring professionals make oral exams, cleaning, and treatment stress-free for cats and dogs. Known for their personalized approach, these veterinarians will also offer guidance on the best foods, toys, and oral hygiene solutions for your four-legged friend. Visit this clinic online to learn more about their services and current specials. To schedule an appointment, call a friendly team member at (585) 377-1160.
