
When oral health problems go deeper than what the naked eye can see, surgery may be necessary. Since these treatments—including tooth extraction and dental implants—are slightly more involved than standard filling or root canal, it’s important to work with your dentist to ensure you a prepared for the procedure. While preparation recommendations may vary from case to case, here are a few general tips to keep in mind to ensure you have a successful oral surgery.

What Should You Do Before Having Oral Surgery?

Consult With Dentist

Before your oral surgery, your dentist should walk you through the steps of the procedure. By reviewing all stages of treatment, you can feel at ease about what you might feel, how long it will take, and why it is necessary. If you have any questions or concerns, let your provider know ahead of time, as they may have solutions to help.

Get Medications in Order

dentistOften, antibiotics will be prescribed by your dentist before the procedure to prevent infections from happening. In some cases, you may need to start the antibiotics before the surgery. Additionally, you may receive prescription pain medications to help you heal in comfort once you return from the procedure.

Since getting these medications can be time-consuming and uncomfortable after a surgery, it’s best to have them filled before you arrive to your appointment.

Arrange a Ride

While sedatives and anesthetics are great at blocking pain, they can also alter your consciousness—especially when you’re coming out of surgery. To make sure you can get home safely while on these medications, be sure to have a trusted friend or family member available to drive you to and from the appointment.

Take Time Off

While you may be eager to return to your normal routine after surgery, your mouth will likely need time to heal. To ensure a successful recovery, it’s best to take a few days off work—or schedule your appointment before the weekend. Before your surgery, take time to create a comfortable and quiet recovery atmosphere where you can rest without distraction.

Stock Your Kitchen

In the days after your surgery, it may be difficult—and possibly dangerous—to bite and chew food. As such, you should stock your kitchen with a variety of nutritious and satisfying options that are safe for your mouth. Common examples include yogurt, soup, oatmeal, soup, and applesauce.


If you believe you need surgery to relieve an oral health problem, don’t wait to seek help. To protect your smile, you can turn to Stacy Lesley, DDS of Concord, NC. Backed by over 20 years of professional experience, Dr. Lesley is qualified to perform many common oral surgeries—including dental implant, tooth extraction, and TMJ procedures. Whatever treatment you need, this caring dentist will provide support every step of the way to ensure you feel comfortable and recover safely. Visit this dental care provider online to learn more about these capabilities or call (704) 766-1488 to schedule an appointment.
