
Getting divorced is always an emotionally intense experience, but it doesn’t have to be a bitter legal battle. If you and your spouse are willing to cooperate, a mediator attorney can help iron out your differences and negotiate an amicable settlement. Whenever possible, divorcing couples should pursue mediation instead of expensive, contentious litigation.

Why Divorce Mediation Is a Better Option

What Is Mediation?

mediator attorneyPerhaps you and your spouse are splitting on good terms, or you’ve resolved most issues but still disagree on some elements of your divorce, like child custody or dividing up your assets. A mediator attorney will guide your negotiations, acting as an impartial third party to craft an agreement that allows both of you to move on with your lives. Their objective guidance and understanding of the law can help prevent lengthy courtroom battles with outcomes you may not be able to predict.

What Are the Benefits of Mediation?

Working with a mediator attorney is typically much faster than a court hearing, reducing the time and emotional stress of dissolving your marriage. You also won’t have to hire your own divorce lawyers to represent you in court, which makes dissolving your marriage much less expensive, preserving the assets you’ll need to rebuild your life. Most importantly, though, mediation gives you and your spouse complete control over the outcome, which can be unpredictable if left to the court. Instead of leaving these crucial decisions of a judge, who has to follow strict family law guidelines, you can decide which issues matter most to you and find creative solutions that allow everyone to move on.


Are you looking for a mediator attorney? With over 20 years of experience, The Law Office and Mediation Center of Jeannine M. Talbot offers caring legal help to clients throughout Litchfield County, CT. If your marriage has come to an end, this skilled mediator attorney will help you resolve your differences and achieve the best possible outcomes for you and your family. Visit their website for more on their family law services, or call (860) 482-9004 to schedule a consultation today.
