
Diet plays a significant role in your health, and as you age, you put yourself at risk of developing a number of problematic medical complications like diabetes. Sometimes, it’s not always obvious that you’re eating poorly. You need to listen to your body and see your doctor regularly to truly know, and here, you’ll find common signs that it’s time to make some changes.

Should You Adjust Your Diet?

1. Weight Gain

The most obvious sign of a poor diet is weight gain. The Centers for Disease Control lists a healthy adult BMI as between 18.5 and 24.9. Anything over means you’re overweight. This gradually sets you up for diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular issues. Reduce the issue by adding plenty of vegetables into your diet and cutting excess carbs, sugars, and processed foods. You need to create a caloric deficit to lose weight, so consider tracking your calories.

2. Fatigue

diabetesIf you feel exhausted throughout the day despite sleeping well, it can mean that you need to add more iron to your diet or that you’re eating too much sugar. Likewise, if your body isn’t getting sufficient vitamins and minerals from what you’re eating, it won’t function properly. Constant fatigue can affect you in the workplace and prevent you from going to the gym. Diet needs to be coupled with exercise if you want to remain healthy, so cut down on sugar.

3. You’re Regularly Sick

When you don’t get enough nutrients on a daily basis, your immune system weakens, making you more susceptible to contracting illnesses. If you’re getting sick more regularly, you’ll need to make some adjustments, specifically by adding more protein to your diet. Lentils, dark leafy greens, and plenty of meats are all essential, and you can couple them with other veggies and fruits for an immune system boost.


Maintaining a healthy diet can have lifelong benefits, and a family doctor can help. The health care team at Lexington Family Physicians in Lexington, NC, brings a wide scope of services to their patients, ranging from treating diabetes to gynecology and preventative medicine. They take a family approach to care and are committed to building lasting relationships with their patients. Visit their website to learn more about their practice and call (336) 249-3329 to schedule a physical exam and inquire about diabetes.
