
Strength training regularly is key to building muscle and enhancing your physical fitness. But over time, you may find that your routine loses its efficacy. This is because of your body’s ability to adapt to the stress you’re applying to your muscles. To see the results that you want as your body changes, you need to adapt your routine to accommodate. Here are a few ways to do that, so you don’t hit the dreaded plateau.

How to Mix Up Your Weight Training Routine

1. Add Some Variety

The key to success in strength training is to mix up your exercises enough for your body to feel challenged. If you only work your legs, for example, you won’t see nearly the same results that you would if you targeted your body’s other muscle groups with the same enthusiasm. Your goal is to overload the muscles that you want to grow, and surprise them as your body changes to avoid adapting to the routine. You can do this by adjusting your weights and reps from week to week. When you increase weight, cut your reps back by two. This is all about keeping your muscles intrigued and kickstarting new growth.

2. Increase Your Intensity

strength trainingIf you find that you aren’t seeing your desired results, you may need to increase your intensity level. You can do this by reducing the amount of rest time between sets and forcing more reps per session. Don’t be afraid to add to your cardio routine, either. If your goal is to achieve a more defined look, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) may even assist in improving your muscular achievements, according to a study by The American Council on Exercise (ACE).

3. Change Your Schedule

It may seem confusing, but it’s important not to train too hard when you hit the gym for strength training. Your body needs time to recover between workouts, and your muscle fibers repair and grow back stronger during the recovery period. This is why many personal training professionals recommend mixing up your overall fitness routine by spending a couple of days in the weight room and a couple of days focused on cardio.


Could your workout routine use a boost? It’s time to stop by Life & Elite Fitness in Snohomish, WA. The leading gym in the area provides comprehensive fitness programs designed for all skill levels. If you’re focused on building muscle, their personal trainers can devise a strength training program for you that yields major results. You can even join an online fitness training program if you prefer to discuss your progress virtually. Visit the website to browse their options, or call (206) 450-0964.
