
Although your car battery can offer years of reliability, it doesn’t last forever. When it’s time to install new equipment, you can’t discard the old battery as you would any other trash – it’s against the law. Take it to a car recycling facility for convenient disposal and reuse. To understand why you must dispose of the part responsibly, below is a closer look at the battery recycling process and its benefits.  

A Primer on Car Battery Recycling

How Battery Recycling Works

When recycled, every part of the battery is altered so it can be used to make new equipment. At a car recycling facility, the equipment is broken down into multiple pieces in a hammermill. After, the pieces are transported into a container, where they are separated. Lead materials sink to the bottom and plastic remains on top. This makes it easier for technicians to remove plastic components. The plastic is then melted down into pellets, which are sold to car manufacturers to make new battery cases. The lead is also melted to create new components. The acid siphoned from the equipment is changed to sodium sulfate, which is used as an ingredient in detergent and in the manufacturing of glass and textiles. 

Why Batteries Must Be Recycled

San-Marcos-Texas-car-recyclingLaws surrounding battery recycling were created to protect the environment. Car batteries contain lead, acid, and mercury. When equipment is left to corrode and decay, these toxic materials can contaminate ecosystems. Recycling batteries keeps toxic substances out of landfills and waterways. There are also financial gains attached to recycling the battery. When purchasing a new battery, you’ll be refunded the core charge by taking the old one back to the store. Car recycling facilities will also pay cash for the discarded part.


If you want to recycle your battery or turn in junk cars for cash, contact the staff at Roadrunner Recycling in San Marcos, TX. The technicians will ensure the battery and other car components are recycled properly and give you a high price for discarded auto parts and other scrap metal. To learn more about car recycling services in Hays, Caldwell, and Guadalupe counties and how to prepare your vehicle for processing, call (512) 353-4511. Visit the salvage yard online for a list of items they accept. 
