
If you're having new utility poles installed on your property, a hole drilling company will complete the installation process as quickly and efficiently as possible. With a professional drilling rig, they create the deep, precise holes where the poles are set, allowing them to be placed securely and reliably. Here is what you can expect from their visit.

What Happens During Hole Drilling?

Prepare for Utility Shutoff

Hole DrillingIf you're replacing existing utility poles or electrical equipment, those utilities will be shut off during the replacement process. Depending on the schedule for replacement, it may be ideal to stay at a hotel or seek other housing options. If your project only lasts for a short period, be prepared for your electric, phone, and internet to be disconnected temporarily.

Expect Heavy Equipment on the Property

The drilling rig is a large piece of machinery and needs space to work. Make sure there is a clear path to the drilling site, and park vehicles at a safe distance from the site to give the crew room to work. Dirt and debris can be thrown into the air, so protect any surfaces you don't want to get dirty.

Brace For Loud Noises

While the crew will do their best to keep the noise down, the machinery can be loud, and there may be unexpected noises due to problems or obstructions. If you have children or pets who may be frightened, make arrangements to relocate them from the home during the hole drilling project. Otherwise, consider having earplugs on hand to make the experience more pleasant.



To arrange hole drilling on your residential or commercial property, call The Hole Works in Franklinville, NY. Serving Cattaraugus County for over 20 years, they offer fast and affordable drilling for depths up to 15 feet, as well as pole installation services, AAA towing service, and construction equipment rentals. To discuss your project, call them at (716) 676-3998 or visit their website to read more about their hole drilling services. 
