
Among many other potential medical dangers, being overweight or obese is closely associated with an increased risk of heart health problems—including high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. The good news is that losing just 5 to 10% of one’s body weight can greatly reduce these risks. With approval from a doctor, here are a few simple activities that can make a positive impact on your overall heart health.

5 Activities That Can Help Overweight Individuals Protect Their Heart Health

1. Walking

Walking for about 30 minutes a day can help obese and overweight individuals burn calories at an impressive and steady rate. Unlike running, walking is low-impact and places minimal pressure on joints. With time, you can slowly increase your speed and distance to maximize benefits. For many, this activity also helps relieve stress—a condition that can negatively impact heart health.

2. Swimming & Water Aerobics

heart healthWater-based fitness is one of the best options for overweight people, as it allows you to engage in both cardio and strengthening activities in a low-impact environment. Swimming, for instance, helps burn calories while working out all the muscles in the body. Water aerobics, on the other hand, is a fun group activity that can help participants stay motivated.

3. Recumbent Biking  

If excess weight makes it difficult to engage in physical activities, consider using a recumbent bike. Also known as stationary bikes, this equipment allows you to pedal while remaining in a supportive, seated position. With regular use, this activity can help you improve leg and core strength as well as enjoy cardiovascular health benefits.

4. Strength Training

Bulking up muscle may not seem like the right way to approach weight loss for heart health, but it is one of the most effective strategies. Whether done by lifting hand weights at home or using strengthening equipment at the gym, strength training increases muscle mass so you can burn more calories on a daily basis.

5. Yoga

Yoga has been shown to help overweight individuals adopt a safe path toward weight loss. Through stretching exercises, yoga participants can strengthen muscles, increase their heart rate, and boost flexibility. Even better, yoga activities can be adapted for each individual to meet their specific needs and comfort levels.


To maximize the weight loss and heart health benefits of a new fitness plan, it’s important to work with a trusted cardiovascular doctor. Located in Rochelle Park, NJ, DiVagno Interventional Cardiology, MD, PA offers a wealth of services to address weight-related heart problems—including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease. As you diet and exercise at home, this practice will offer cardiac testing, prescription medication, and other solutions to protect your cardiovascular health. Visit this practice online to learn more about their capabilities or call (201) 845-3535 to schedule an appointment.   
