
During the winter much of the Northeast experiences extreme winds and snow. Not only are these blizzards a safety hazard, but they can also damage trees, resulting in emergency tree removals, potential injuries, and property damage. Here are a few common issues to look out for to prevent injuries or damage to your home.

Your Guide to Winter Tree Issues 

1. Broken Branches

In the winter, trees are more brittle due to ice forming in the trunk and on branches; this can cause them to break. Blizzard winds increase this risk. If only a few branches are affected the tree could survive, but if a tree’s trunk is split, you’ll need emergency tree removal services.

Homeowners can protect trees from breaking by carefully removing snow buildups. To do so, stand several feet away from the tree and gently knock it with a shovel handle allowing gravity to do the work for you. You can also prevent evergreens from breaking by wrapping them in insulated mesh to keep snow from building up and weakening branches.

2. Ice Buildups

emergency tree removalAs ice builds up on branches, they become heavier and may break off. Additionally, icicles that fall from trees could be deadly to passersby, or they could damage your home. Minimize the risk of ice-laden trees causing an injury by performing annual pruning in the fall to remove dead or dying branches. This practice encourages the limited chlorophyll production to feed the parts of the tree that are in good shape, leading to improved branch strength and reduced likelihood of branches falling.

3. Explosions

Trees that contain sap can explode in the winter time. Blizzards bring wind chills that can cause deciduous trees to explode as their sap freezes and expands the tree trunk and bark. It may appear like these trees were hit by lightning as they splinter and crack apart. Trees that have burst due to cold are usually not salvageable and should be removed.


If you need emergency tree removal services after a blizzard, contact T & L Tree and Landscape in Wayne County, NY. Their knowledgeable team has more than 50 years of experience using top-notch equipment to provide tree and lawn care. They are committed to providing efficient and accurate work, as well as friendly customer service. Call (585) 223-3190 or visit their website to learn about their emergency tree removal services.
