
Acne affects everyone differently and can do a number on self-confidence. There are a few different types of the condition, each with noticeable characteristics, and the acne treatment you implement will vary depending on the kind you have. Here’s a complete breakdown, along with treatment options, so you can enjoy blemish-free skin. 

Types of Acne & Available Treatments

1. Inflammatory Acne

Dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria cause inflammation in clogged pores, resulting in inflammatory acne. Because of this, acne spots may be painful or swollen, and pimples will usually be red. Acne treatment begins with reducing the swelling and eliminating the bacteria. A dermatologist will likely recommend a wash or topical cream to combat papules and pustules. Creams and cleansers that contain benzoyl-peroxide may also reduce excess oil production for improved results.

2. Non-Inflammatory Acne

acne-treatment-central-carolina-dermatology-clinicNon-inflammatory acne consists of whiteheads and blackheads formed by oil and dead skin cells. Swelling is uncommon since no bacteria are causing inflammation. You’ll need to exfoliate to address whiteheads and blackheads, and salicylic acid is usually the go-to product. Whiteheads are more difficult to treat since they close up, so your acne treatment may include a prescription topical cream.

3. Cysts

Cysts — a form of inflammatory acne — develop deep below the skin’s surface and are the largest form of acne. Because of their size, serious infections are common, and the bumps are usually tender and painful. They’re also prone to leaving scars. The most effective treatment is either prescription medication or cyst removal by a dermatologist. Never pick at or pop cysts, as this can cause permanent scarring.


Acne is a highly treatable condition, and the team at Central Carolina Dermatology Clinic can help. They offer a variety of dermatological services at their Lexington, Kernersville, and High Point, NC, locations, including acne treatment, skin cancer treatment, and general skin care. They’ve served the area for more than 60 years, and you can count on their staff to work closely with you to achieve lasting results. Call (336) 887-3195 to schedule an appointment today, or visit their website for a full breakdown of their services.
