
Plants add natural beauty to the interior of any home. If you live in Alaska, however, it’s important to choose houseplants that will thrive even in the dark days of winter. Below are just a few hardy yet lovely indoor plants that don’t need sun to survive in your home all year round. 

3 Types of Low-Sunlight Plants

1. Dracaenas

There are a few varieties of dracaenas, but they’re all remarkable for their narrow yellow-striped leaves and easy maintenance. This houseplant is best kept indoors in low-light conditions, as too much sun can cause the leaves to brown. They also require less water than most indoor plants. Once a week should be adequate, and it’s better to slightly underwater than overwater, as too much moisture will rot the roots. 

2. Peace Lily

indoor plantPeace lilies are popular indoor houseplants with large, palm-like leaves and white hooded flowers. They come in a variety of sizes, through most grow up to three feet. These vibrant plants need little natural sunlight; indeed, overexposure to direct sunlight can kill them. They survive even in fluorescent lighting conditions or windowless rooms. 

3. Devil’s Ivy

Devil’s Ivy is a fast-growing plant with long draping vines and heart-shaped yellow and green leaves. They’re a popular indoor plant and thrive in filtered sunlight or rooms with artificial light. Place them around your home in hanging baskets or on side tables and mantles so the vines can continue to grow over the edges. 


When you’re ready to purchase indoor plants to brighten up sunless winter days, stop into P & M Garden Services Inc., the premier greenhouse in Eagle River, AK. They offer a wide selection of plants and high-quality gardening supplies to help you add greenery to your lawn, garden, or interior. With over 38 years in the industry, their knowledgeable staff members are happy to answer any questions about gardening techniques and proper care. Call (907) 694-9293 today or visit the website to learn more about their products.  
