
Winter sports are fun and exhilarating and offer a great way to stay active throughout the season. However, they also pose the risk of serious injury. A key reason for this is because people fail to properly condition their bodies before engaging in these activities. Fortunately, many of the injuries sustained this time of year can be effectively resolved with chiropractic treatment. This can help prevent the need for medication and invasive surgeries. Here are a few problems that often benefit from chiropractic care.

Common Winter Sports Injuries That Chiropractic Treatment Can Help With

1. Spinal Misalignments in Hockey

Hockey is known for being a rough contact sport. Taking a hard fall or crashing into another player can misalign the spinal column and cause pain in the neck and back. The effects can also be felt throughout the body. A chiropractic adjustment can alleviate the pain by reducing the pressure a misalignment puts on the nerves. Chiropractic treatment can also prevent scar tissue from building up, increase range of motion, and improve balance and coordination after a hockey injury.

2. Knee Pain From Skiing & Snowboarding

chiropractic treatmentKnees take on quite a bit of burden because they are weight-bearing joints. They rely heavily on the muscles and tendons that surround them for strength and support. The twisting, turning, and side-to-side motion involved in skiing and snowboarding can take a significant toll on the knees. A chiropractor will address the resulting pain and inflammation through various methods, such as cold laser treatment, massage, exercise, and adjustments.

3. Ankle Sprains While Ice Skating

There is a great deal of weight and pressure placed on ankles when ice skating, making them vulnerable to sprains. This type of injury can cause pain, tenderness, and swelling as well as the weakening of the joint. Adjusting a sprained ankle can help reset it to its normal alignment. This will decrease swelling and take care of balance and coordination issues.


If you need assistance recovering from a winter sports injury, contact May Chiropractic & Rehabilitation. They offer various chiropractic treatment options that promote quick healing and full restoration. Dr. Ryan May has been caring for athletes of all disciplines for over 15 years and is committed to providing the residents of East Hartford, CT, with quality services. Call (860) 568-3900 to schedule an appointment, or visit their website for more information on the various techniques they use to help patients achieve optimal health.
