
Winches are incredibly useful tools. While they're able to handle a substantial amount of tension, pulling hundreds or thousands of pounds regularly will eventually cause wear and tear. Fortunately, professional winch repair will get your device back to heavy towing quickly and efficiently. Here are the four most common questions winch repair experts encounter about the equipment. 

4 Top Winch Repair Questions, Answered

Why won't my cable retract?

Cable malfunctions are one the most common causes of winch repairs. If the line won't retract, it's unlikely that the cause is actually a defective cable. Instead, it's probably a result of a faulty switch, wireless operator, or solenoid.

What causes motor malfunctions?

The motor is the driving force behind the winch, directly impacting every other component of the tool. To identify a motor issue, you only need to listen — silence means it's not working. The source of the problem may be a stuck gear or a buildup of dirt and grime. In either situation, your technician will dismantle the piece to diagnose the underlying issue. 

Why isn't the drum rotating?

winch repairThe drum helps feed the cable, so a lack of movement hinders the whole process. It's also one of the more challenging issues to troubleshoot because of the variety of potential causes. The motor is the most likely culprit in this scenario, but it's not the only possibility. Clutch and electrical issues also affect the drum.

What's causing the cable to roll up unevenly?

While a misaligned coil may seem insignificant, it places a hazardous strain on the machine by unevenly distributing the tension. In many cases, it's caused by a damaged or incorrectly sized cable. The problem also occurs from pulling an object that’s too heavy or unwieldy, causing unbalanced weight. In such cases, a simple system recalibration is all that's needed.


If you need efficient and accurate winch repair, turn to the trusted team at Eubanks Auto Electric in Bowie County, TX, for fast, reliable, and affordable assistance. Along with winches, the skilled technicians specialize in automotive alternator and starter repairs for cars, trucks, and tractors. Since 1954, these professionals have earned a reputation for honesty and competitive prices. Take a closer look at their service offerings online or schedule your repair today at (903) 667-2081.
