
Almost every cell in the human body contains the same deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. The hereditary material is found in most organisms, including humans, and is located within the nuclei of cells. DNA testing provides answers to many questions, including “Who is my real father?” and “Is this person in question truly my relative?” There are many ways to collect DNA samples, such as the following. 

Types Of Samples Used in DNA Testing

1. Cheek Cells

Cheek swabs collect the cells on the inside of your mouth to provide another form of DNA testing that does not involve needles or pain, unlike blood. You can expect up to 4 swabs to collect the specimen. For breastfed babies, it is best to wait 2 hours after the last feeding to collect the sample. 

2. Hair

DNA testingHair samples are suitable for testing when they contain the follicle.They must be pulled directly from the scalp and not cut or found off of the body to insure the follicle is present.

3. Nail Clippings

Like hair, nails are mainly made up of the keratin protein. Also like hair and mouth tissue, nail clipping DNA testing is less invasive than extracting blood. Nail clippings provide three to six months’ worth of DNA history.


If you require relationship DNA testing, such as paternity, grandparent, or sibling testing, count on AccuDNA to provide the detailed results you need. The locally owned, affordable, and confidential service has served the St. Louis, MO, community since 2005 and offers flexible scheduling for your convenience. Call (314) 845-9997 today to schedule your appointment or visit their website for a complete service list. Like their Facebook page for additional resources and tips.
