
Millions of U.S. citizens apply for social security disability benefits every year. While most expect approval, only 30% are approved for benefits during the preliminary application process. Fortunately, working with a social security disability lawyer in New York can help you make critical decisions when facing a denied claim. Here’s why a denied application for SSDI benefits does not mean that all hope is lost.

What to Do After Being Denied SSDI Benefits

1. Decide if You Want to File an Appeal or Reapply for Benefits

After being denied social security disability, the rejection does not imply that you aren't qualified to receive benefits. A letter-of-denial means that the information provided did not align with program requirements. This decision could be based on missing, incorrect, or insufficient information. Filing an appeal or reapply is the next step.

While appealing takes longer than the application process, reapplying for benefits instead of pursuing an appeal may delay the process further. However, you are allowed to file another application if you so choose. A social security disability lawyer can help you determine the best course of action.

2. Take Action to File an Appeal With the SSA

social security disability lawyerFiling a reconsideration request is the initial step to take when appealing a rejected SSDI claim. At this point, you can add any new or omitted information you believe will have a bearing on the outcome of your case and approval for SSDI. The appeal process includes a hearing before an administrative judge to determine if you should receive SSDI benefits. At this hearing, you will have the chance to provide additional documentation and witness testimony as to the state of your eligibility. An approval or denial will be made after the facts have been presented.

3. Hire a Social Security Disability Lawyer in New York

Most applicants try to navigate the complex appeal procedure alone due to financial constraints. The good news is that hiring a social security disability lawyer doesn't have to come with a hefty cost up-front. SSDI lawyers are paid via contingency fee agreement, which means they will only take a percentage of money that was recovered to you. Working with the right attorney can help you maximize the benefits received from the SSA.


Being denied SSDI benefits can be stressful for any applicant. The social security disability lawyers of Vincent J. Criscuolo & Associates will help you navigate the complex process every step of the way. Residents of Rochester, NY, have been relying on their expertise for more than 30 years. You can schedule a free consultation by calling (585) 232-3240 or visiting their website for more information.
