
Although the likelihood of passing a fender bender any time you’re traveling down a major interstate is fairly high, this isn’t where the majority of auto collisions occur. It’s much more common for accidents to take place on smaller roads. As such, it’s crucial to remain cautious and focused on practicing safe driving techniques wherever you may be. Here are a few of the places crashes frequently happen.

Where Do Auto Collisions Frequently Occur?

1. Parking Lots 

While auto collisions in parking lots tend to be some of the most minor, they are frequent. This can be attributed to a lack of traffic rules, many vehicles moving in and out of close quarters, and constant pedestrian activity. Parking lot fender benders can be prevented by driving slowly, backing out of a space rather than going forward over the solid line, and remaining on high alert for pedestrians who may come from between cars and not see you. 

2. Rural Roads 

auto collisionEven though not as many vehicles travel along rural roads, it’s still a common location for one-car accidents. Less traffic often leads to driver inattentiveness. As a result, cars may suddenly veer off the road or fail to stop in time before running into poor road conditions, debris, or a wild animal. When driving on rural roads, remain focused and increase visibility by keeping your headlights on day and night.

3. Stoplights

Rear-end collisions are a frequent occurrence at stoplights. Generally, this is caused by distracted or fatigued driving. It’s best to eliminate all distractions when you’re behind the wheel and refrain from using your cellphone, adjusting the navigation system, eating, grooming, or engaging with passengers. Also, make it a habit to leave plenty of space between you and the vehicle in front of you to give yourself enough time to make a sudden stop.


The best way to avoid being involved in an auto collision is to remain alert behind the wheel and obey all traffic laws. However, in some cases, an accident is unavoidable. If you have been in a minor crash and need your vehicle fixed as quickly and safely as possible, contact Autoworks Collision Center. For nearly 25 years, they have been entrusted to provide the residents of Rockford, MN, and the surrounding area with high-quality services at affordable rates. Their certified technicians are trained to handle a broad range of repairs. Call (763) 477-6653 to schedule an appointment, or visit them online for more information on what sets them apart from the competition.
