
Kids are known for loving sweets. Unfortunately, many treats, such as soda, cookies, and candy, contain high amounts of sugar that can result in oral issues and require professional care from a dentist. The good news is your child can still satisfy their sweet tooth without relying on sugary snacks. Give your little one some of these healthy treats instead.

3 Sweet Snacks That Support Oral Health

1. Apples

Available in many different varieties, apples are sweet, juicy, and offer a wide range of oral health benefits. With their crunchy texture, apples help scrub away cavity-causing plaque from teeth. Chewing apples can also increase the production of saliva, which in turn neutralizes harmful acids and removes food debris lingering in the mouth.

dentistFor a salty and sweet combination kids will appreciate, cut apples into slices and coat them in sugar-free peanut butter. Peanuts contain a high amount of protein and phosphorous, two nutrients that help build stronger bones and teeth.

2. Strawberries

Strawberries offer vitamin C, which not only boosts the immune system, but also helps strengthen the body’s defenses against gum disease. For an extra dental health boost, mix your child’s strawberries with yogurt for a satisfying treat full of calcium, a mineral that fortifies teeth.

3. Raisins

Because of raisins’ stickiness, pediatric dentists once cautioned parents against giving their kids these snacks. However, recent research suggests the dried fruit may not be that bad for oral health. Raisins are rich in phytochemicals that help prevent bacterial activity in the mouth, and in turn, may help reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.


In addition to choosing healthy snacks, parents can protect their children’s teeth by scheduling regular visits with the trusted dentists at Honolulu Keiki Dental. Voted the best pediatric dentist in Hawaii since 2009, this Honolulu clinic delivers gentle care in a fun and stress-free environment. Visit the practice online to learn more about these preventive and restorative dentistry services, or call (808) 944-1603 to schedule an appointment.
