
Pipes, drains, and fixtures often show signs of impending issues. While sounds of water flowing or an occasion clink are normal, strange noises emanating from your plumbing usually spell trouble. Below are five to pay attention to.

Plumbing Noises to Listen For

1. Gurgling Drains

Gurgling typically means you have a clogged drain. Many blocks are relatively easy to fix, but in some more serious cases, the clog is deep in your plumbing and will need a professional to find. If the gurgling happens when you flush, your sewer line may be compromised.

2. Whistling Pipes

plumbingIf you hear a high-pitched sound around the pipes, there may be debris trapped in your system causing low pressure and air to enter, which means a plumber will have to clear away the grime. If the sound is starting in your showerhead, it’s most likely a mineral buildup, which you can clean with white vinegar and a soft cloth.

3. Knocking On & Off

Sometimes referred to as a water hammer, knocking happens when water meets a closed valve, leading to percussive vibrations in the plumbing. It may also manifest as a hissing sound, which is common near sinks. Older homes often have this issue if hammer arrestors are old or missing. Another reason for consistent knocking is high water pressure, which can be fixed by installing a pressure-reducing valve.

4. Rattling Toilets & Showers

Rattling in any fixture or equipment usually points to a loose component. While smaller pieces are an easy fix, loose piping is a larger problem that should be remedied quickly by a plumber.


When you hear unusual noises, call Niebuhr Plumbing & Heating. Established in 1900, they are the longest standing plumbing and heating company in the La Crosse, WI, area. Besides plumbing, they also provide HVAC services. Call (608) 782-1700 for emergency plumbing service or visit them online for a look at their projects.
