
Trips, falls, bumps, and bruises are all a part of growing up. If your child is particularly active, knocking a tooth out is a possibility. However, just because a tooth is lost doesn’t mean it’s gone; with proper handling, a dentist can reattach it. Follow the tips below to increase the chances of saving the tooth.

Your Guide to Saving a Knocked out Tooth

1. Find It & Handle With Care

Calm your child and look for their tooth. Wash your hands before picking it up by the crown, not the unprotected roots. Rinse the tooth with milk or salt water for no more than 10 seconds. Even chipped teeth are salvageable: wrap the pieces in a damp paper towel or place them in a cup of milk until you can get to a dentist for emergency treatment.

2. Secure the Tooth in the Socket

dentist-pediatric-dental-groupIf the tooth is intact and your child is old enough to hold onto it in their mouth, help them reposition the tooth in its socket. Make sure it’s facing the right direction. If your child is too nervous to push the tooth back in, gently push it on the chewing surface or have them bite down slowly. It should slide into its natural position. Once in place, have your child bite down on a moist paper towel. If the tooth won’t go in, keep it in a cup of milk instead. Never force it since you may damage the gums.

3. Seek Emergency Care

A missing tooth is a dental emergency. Prematurely losing a baby tooth can lead to crowding and shifting as permanent teeth come in incorrectly. During treatment, a dentist will insert a space maintainer into the socket to maintain the surrounding teeth’s position until the adult tooth emerges.

With permanent teeth, the dentist will try to replant the tooth using a splint. It can take several weeks for the tooth to reattach. If it doesn’t, you can explore dental implants or a bridge as a solution. Missing a permanent tooth can also lead to shifting, difficulty eating, and speech issues, so encourage your child to take preventative measures like wearing a mouthguard during sports from now on.


Whether your child is missing a tooth or just needs a checkup, the team at Pediatric Dental Group are ready to assist. They’ve served the dental care needs of the children of Honolulu, HI, since 1966. Visit them online to explore their pediatric dental hygiene care services, and connect on Facebook for news and dental care advice. To schedule an appointment, call (808) 593-8828 today.
