
Without teeth, you wouldn’t be able to consume various flavorful and nutritious foods. But, while your smile may be designed to facilitate a well-balanced diet, certain foods and drinks can be particularly destructive to dental health. If you want to avoid problems at the dentist, here are a few important details to know about how food impacts your smile.

Simple Guide to Diet & Dental Health

How Does Sugar Affect Your Teeth?

When it comes to dental care, sugar is closely associated with cavity development. However, many are surprised to learn that sugar doesn’t directly cause tooth decay. Instead, when carbohydrate-rich products—such as candy, soda, fruit juice, pasta, and breads—stick to teeth, the sugar they contain provides a rich fuel source for oral bacteria. As oral bacteria digest sugar, they produce acids that slowly wear away at enamel and cause cavities.  

What Other Foods Can Harm Teeth?

dentistSugars aren’t the only foods that can be destructive to dental health. Carbonated beverages and citrus fruits, for example, can increase acid levels in the mouth and contribute to enamel wear. Other items, such as alcohol and coffee, can reduce saliva production, making it harder for your mouth to rinse away harmful food debris and bacteria.

Dark-colored foods and drinks—such as coffee, tea, pasta sauce, and berries—may also contribute to tooth discoloration. If you consume too many of these products, you’ll likely need professional teeth whitening from a dentist to restore the look of your smile.

How Can I Protect My Teeth From Hazardous Foods & Drinks?

Maintaining a strict oral hygiene routine that consists of regular brushing and flossing is the best way to help remove harmful bacteria and food debris from your mouth.  

Additionally, when you eat harmful products, it’s a good idea to drink water to rinse away any lingering build-up. Consuming these items with healthier foods can also help neutralize acids in the mouth and defend against decay. 

Which Foods Are Good for Oral Health?

While some items may be dangerous for teeth, there are also several foods and drinks that can support oral health. For example, cheese, apples, and celery are all “dental detergents” that promote saliva production and help scrub away build-up on teeth. Milk and water, on the other hand, can provide your body with tooth-strengthening minerals—such as calcium and fluoride.


Apart from watching what you eat and practicing proper oral hygiene, protecting your oral health still depends on regular care from a trusted dentist. If you’re a patient in the Aurora, CO, area, Cusp Family Dental offers comprehensive care to ensure everyone in your household maintains a healthy smile. From deep-cleaning teeth and gums to filling cavities, this local dentist will use advanced tools and a gentle approach to restore and protect your oral health in a comfortable, stress-free fashion. Visit this clinic online to learn more about these services, or call (303) 343-2161 to schedule a convenient appointment with a friendly dentist.
