
Brushing your teeth and visiting the dentist are excellent habits, but if you aren’t flossing, you’re not receiving the full benefits of dental care. To truly maintain a healthy mouth, you need to be flossing every day. It affects every aspect of your oral health, and by sticking to a flossing regimen, you can be confident that you’ll maintain a white, beaming smile.

Flossing & Its Role in Dental Care

Why Is Flossing Important?

When you brush your teeth, you’re cleaning plaque and decay-causing bacteria from their surface—not between them. While toothbrushes may claim to address these hard-to-reach areas, they simply can’t achieve the results that floss does. Floss removes food and problematic bacteria from these areas, ensuring plaque doesn’t build up and harden into tartar. Not flossing has a wide range of consequences; initially, food stuck between teeth can lead to bad breath. In worse scenarios, you’ll develop cavities and even gum disease.

What’s the Right Way to Floss?

dental careFlossing takes time and patience, which is why many people skip it. Don’t make this mistake, however; sticking to the right flossing method will make it less cumbersome. Begin by breaking off roughly 18 inches of floss. Wind it around your middle fingers and hold it in place with your thumbs. Slowly slide the floss between your teeth and pull it into a C-shape once you reach the gumline. Carefully pull it back down and proceed to the next tooth. If you find traditional floss too difficult or have trouble because of issues like arthritis, speak with your dentist about floss picks, water-jet flossers, and other dental care alternatives.


Sticking to a proper flossing technique will provide lasting benefits, and the dental care team at Lowitz & Meier can assist with proper techniques. They’re proud to serve patients of every age throughout the Cincinnati, OH, area, and whether you need a general cleaning or more extensive cosmetic services, their family dentistry staff will work closely with you to achieve the best results. Call (513) 521-8900 today to schedule an appointment and visit their website to explore their dentist office further. For more dental care tips, connect on Facebook.
