
If you worry about the state of your gums, consider talking to a dentist about a dental deep cleaning. Going a step beyond a regular checkup, this treatment is for those who’ve gone years between dental exams or who have health conditions negatively impacting their oral health and hygiene. Here's a closer look at how it works.

What Happens During a Dental Deep Cleaning

Deep cleanings are otherwise referred to as scaling and root planing. Scaling entails using special tools to remove plaque and tartar from around the gums. If the gums have receded and pockets have formed, the dentist will also need to remove debris from these areas, which can run 5 mm deep. Next, they will perform a similar process to the roots of your teeth to prevent further decay. 

Who Should Undergo Deep Cleaning

Dental Deep CleaningPeople with chronic periodontitis are prime candidates for this procedure. Once gum disease has reached a certain point, often exacerbated by a secondary health condition like diabetes, oral cancer, or thyroid issues, conventional teeth cleanings will no longer be sufficient. Dental deep cleaning can prevent bone and tooth loss, which can occur when gum disease is left unchecked.

After the procedure, pain and sensitivity are common. If so, a dentist can prescribe a medicated mouthwash, which will facilitate healing and ease discomfort. You’ll also need to schedule a follow-up visit to make sure the treatment was successful. Additionally, ramping up your at-home dental care will increase the chances of success.


Do you need a dental deep cleaning in Lincoln, NE? If so, the team at Cherry Hill Dentistry is ready to help restore your smile to its brightest and restore your gums to health. They also provide a range of other services, including after-hours emergency care. Call (402) 488-2383 today to schedule an appointment. You can also visit the website to learn more about the procedures offered.
