
If you’re starting a landscaping project, you know that healthy soil is the first step to growing a productive garden. However, the type of material you use is key. Here’s what you need to know about the difference between topsoil sand and mulch, and the effect both will have on the state of your lawn.

What’s the Difference Between Topsoil Sand & Mulch?

Topsoil Sand

A lawn’s topsoil is the partially decomposed layer of organic matter between the surface and subsoil. It can differ from one landscape to the next, but it will usually contain a proportion of sand, silt, and clay. The right mixture helps create an ideal growing environment for plants. 

Topsoil sand is often beneficial for lawns that are struggling to produce healthy soil. When mixed with the topsoil layer, it establishes more air pockets so that plant roots can grow easily and reach nutrients, oxygen, and water. It also encourages water drainage so the soil doesn’t become compacted or over-saturated. 


topsoil sandAny material laid over the surface of the soil is known as mulch. It’s used to retain moisture in the soil, discourage weed growth, and provide shade. Although there are non-organic options, using organic mulch — such as wood chips, grass clippings, bark, straw, or compost — is more beneficial to your lawn. As these materials decompose, they provide nutrients to the layers of soil underneath. Keep in mind that compost mulch could contain viable weed seeds or feces, so practice caution when handling the material. 

Depending on what you’re hoping to accomplish, the type of mulch you use is important. For instance, bark is useful around trees and other areas where digging won’t take place. Straw, on the other hand, is better suited for vegetable gardens since it decomposes quickly and provides homes for spiders and other beneficial pests that keep harmful ones at bay. 


When you need help improving the state of your lawn’s soil, contact Weeks Sand & Concrete about their selection of topsoil sand. Since 1984, this locally owned and operated company has been committed to providing quality products and excellent customer service to the Cameron, NC, area. They are experts in concrete, sand, and topsoil and will help find you the best products to meet your needs. For more information about their services, call them today at (919) 499-4272 or visit their website
