
The tech world is ever-changing, and computer network installations are as standard as toasters in today’s households. But just how safe is your virtual system? Whether in your home or workplace, precautions must be taken to keep Wi-Fi networks closed and secure. If you’re unaware of the dangers that lurk beyond your router, consider the following sections.

What Wi-Fi Hazards Do I Need to Watch Out For?

While you might be completely satisfied with the speed and reliability of your Wi-Fi network, it’s important to consider the system’s security. After all, this is the main highway used to access the internet by your devices, which means malevolent strangers could use it to get access to your world. You may even be at risk of a data breach when you use an unprotected Wi-Fi network in a retail store or a restaurant.

In some cases, cyber attackers disguise their intentions through SSID spoofing. They promote their own network with the same name as the genuine network in a business or apartment building, enticing unsuspecting internet users to connect to it. From there, they can gain access to critical information such as corporate logins and credit card numbers.

How Can I Avoid Them?

computer network installationBefore your commercial computer network installation, start protecting yourself and your company by telling employees to never transmit private information over an open network—or, one without a password. Also, disable the setting that allows devices to automatically connect to local Wi-Fi hotspots, so your empoyees don’t become victims when pulling out their laptop on a business trip.

To prevent a residential Wi-Fi network, make sure your router is equipped with the latest firmware, which will allow it to fight off potential bugs and intrusions. When choosing a username and password during your computer network installation, don’t stick with the default set up by your internet provider—choose something unique that no one would be able to guess. For example, no birthdays, names, phone numbers, or alma maters. If your child brings a friend over who wants the Wi-Fi password, give it to them personally, and change the password every month.


If you’re eager to set up a reliable Wi-Fi network but want to stay safe, get in touch with ComputerWerks of Fairbanks, AK, today. With their computer network installation services, you can rest assured your personal information will be secure. In fact, they’ve been offering high-quality computer services since 1999. For more information on this locally owned shop, visit their website or call (907) 451-4888 today.
