
Children of all ages can experience speech and language delays for various reasons, including hearing loss, learning disorders, premature birth, and neurological problems. Speech and language therapy at a pediatric therapy clinic can help children overcome delays and catch up with their peers. Here are the three types of language your child may need assistance developing.

Different Kinds of Language

1. Expressive Language

This term encompasses written, verbal, and non-verbal communication. Children who have trouble with expressive language often struggle to find the right words to describe something, speak or write sentences with words in the wrong order, and have trouble being understood by others.

Language therapy activities to improve expressive language include reading and looking at books with others, playing games that involve learning new words, and drawing pictures to explain a sequence of events.

2. Receptive Language

This is the ability to understand communication from others—the individual words as well as the meanings of the sentences.  Receptive language is the foundation for other language skills, as children need to understand what’s being expressed to them to be able to communicate back effectively.

Characteristics of receptive language problems include difficulty with listening, paying attention, and following instructions. Using simplified language, maintaining eye contact, and rephrasing instructions can help children who have trouble with receptive language.

3. Pragmatic Language

This refers to social language and how we use language to impact the environment and communicate with others, both verbally and non-verbally. 

Children may have difficulty making eye contact during conversation, understanding or using humor appropriately, playing with peers, maintaining the right amount of physical space during a conversation, and they may interrupt others often. Language therapy for this issue may include social thinking strategies and role playing in social situations to allow children to practice the skills they need.


All for Kids Pediatric Therapy Clinic in Anchorage, AK, offers occupational, physical, and speech and language therapy for children at all developmental stages. Their team guides children through therapy on-site and provides support for at-home activities. Children with injuries, congenital conditions, or developmental delays will learn and grow stronger, gaining improved sensory processing and other skills they need to thrive. Schedule an appointment with a therapist by calling (907) 345-0050 or sending a contact form online.
