
When it comes to maintaining good oral health, brushing teeth twice a day is critical for everyone. However, this hygiene practice is particularly important for those who wear braces. The metal wires and brackets found in traditional braces shift teeth into proper alignment but can also provide excellent hiding spaces for oral bacteria and food debris. To avoid these elements from increasing your risk of cavities and gum disease, here are a few essential dental care tips.


Take your time.

Without braces, you spend at least two minutes brushing your teeth to achieve an effective clean. However, since braces can present a unique obstacle to the brush, it’s better to spend about three minutes cleaning every surface of your teeth, as well as the gums.

Invest in better tools.

bracesThere are many oral hygiene products your orthodontist may recommend to improve the way you clean your teeth. Compared to manual devices, electronic toothbrushes will spin and pulsate at a gentle pressure automatically to provide a more in-depth cleaning experience. Water irrigators, interdental brushes, and floss threaders are also tools that can help comfortably remove debris from hard-to-reach spaces.  

Rinse after you brush.  

Once you’re finished brushing, rinse with an orthodontist-recommended antiseptic mouthwash to neutralize any remaining bacteria in your mouth. After that, flushing your mouth with a fluoride rinse can help strengthen teeth to better defend against cavities.


Brush too hard.

Scrubbing your teeth too hard can bend wires and brackets and impair the quality of your braces. Instead, brush in a gentle circular motion. To avoid damaging your braces, clean the spaces above and below the brackets separately.

Eat sticky foods.

Chewing sticky foods—including bagels, caramel, pretzels, and pizza crust—can place a lot of extra pressure on braces and cause damage. In addition, these foods can be hard to brush away from orthodontic gear, which in turn, can increase your risk of cavities and gum disease.

Forget to floss.

While following the above tips will improve the way you clean your teeth with braces, brushing alone won’t remove bacteria-filled plaque and food debris from your mouth. Remember to always floss after you brush, making sure to clean every tight space between teeth, both above and below brackets.


If you’re curious about teeth straightening, Dr. Deborah L. Schafer DDS, MS is one experienced orthodontist in Wayland, NY who can introduce you to a wide variety of treatment options. Whether you opt for traditional braces or Invisalign® treatment, Dr. Schafer will guide you through every step of the process to ensure your mouth stays clean and comfortable. Through regular appointments, this caring specialist will also provide in-depth cleanings and adjustments to keep your gear in good condition. You can find more details about these orthodontic services on the clinic’s website. To schedule a consultation, call a friendly staff member at (585) 728-3830.
