
From watching scary movies to dressing up in fun costumes to carving pumpkins, there are many exciting Halloween activities kids can enjoy when they have braces. Unfortunately, indulging in Halloween candy will prove a little more difficult. Many sweets handed out over the holiday can get stuck in braces, increasing the risk of tooth decay and damage. But there are still a few ways for children to enjoy the spoils of their trick-or-treating and keep their braces safe. To avoid having to visit a dentist for an orthodontic emergency, here are a few tips to remember.  


Stick to soft materials.  

When choosing Halloween treats, consider those that are soft and present little risk of getting stuck behind braces. Some common examples include peanut butter cups, cupcakes, milk chocolate, and freshly-baked cookies.

Drink lots of water.

dentistSince little ones are already likely consuming a lot of sugar during the Halloween season, it’s best for them to swap out soda and juice for water. Not only does water contain fluoride to help strengthen teeth, but it also helps rinse away lingering food debris that may be stuck on braces.  

Brush and floss after snacking.

Even if kids eat snacks that are safe for braces, it’s still easy for food particles to get stuck on teeth, increasing the risk of cavities. By brushing and flossing 30 minutes after eating treats, children can help keep their teeth—and their braces—as clean as possible.


Consume sticky treats.

Sticky treats, such as those that contain caramel or taffy, are among the worst things for braces. These materials can easily wrap around brackets and wires, potentially warping the braces and exposing teeth to sugar. For this reason, any sticky materials—even those that are soft—should be strictly avoided.

Chew on hard candies.  

When kids chew on hard candies—such as lollipops—the pressure can cause brackets and wires to bend or snap. To avoid these complications, kids should instead suck on the candy so that it doesn’t interfere with orthodontic gear.

Ignore damaged braces.

In the event braces do experience damage, it’s important to seek professional care from a dentist or orthodontist as soon as possible. If not addressed promptly, this damage can impair the teeth straightening process, cause additional alignment issues, and make it uncomfortable for kids to speak or chew.


If braces are giving you a fright this Halloween season, Dentistry at Houston Lake can help scare away any concerns you may have. Providing general and cosmetic dentistry in the Perry, GA, area, Dr. Kinsley and Dr. Guley can address a wide range of oral health—including cavities that may have been caused by sugary sweets. These local dentists also provide comfortable teeth cleaning services to protect against tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental health problems. For more information on these services, visit this practice online. To schedule a convenient appointment, call (478) 987-1441.
