
Dental Sealants

Your dentist or hygienist may recommend dental sealants for you or more likely, your child. Why are sealants important? Well, we’ll tell you…

A sealant is a tooth-colored plastic material that is professionally placed in the deep grooves (fissures) of the back teeth where tooth decay most often starts. Bacteria in plaque live in these grooves and make acid that causes tooth decay. Sealants are a fast and simple procedure to prevent the buildup of plaque acids on tooth enamel, therefore preventing decay.

Who Needs Dental Sealants?

Those who are more susceptible to cavities and decay should consider getting dental sealants. A good time to apply them is soon after permanent teeth are fully erupted – usually after 6 years of age. However, adults may also be candidates for sealants as a preventative measure.

Be sure to keep regular dental check-ups to find out what you can do to maintain a happy, healthy smile!  Visit or call (478) 987-1441 to book your appointment with Dr. Michael L. Kinsley, D.M.D. today!

