
The pelvis is located at the lower part of your abdomen, in between your hips. While discomfort in this area is typical during menstruation, experiencing chronic or debilitating pelvic pain is usually a sign that something abnormal is happening. The medical conditions below are some of the most common reasons for sharp stabbing and aching in this sensitive area. 

Common Causes of Female Pelvic Pain

1. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 

Also known as PID, pelvic inflammatory disease is usually caused by a sexually transmitted infection like chlamydia or gonorrhea. Symptoms include lower abdominal discomfort, heavy discharge, bleeding between periods, and pain during urination. Since PID can damage the uterus, ovaries, and cervix, it’s vital to see a doctor for treatment. 

2. Ovarian Cysts 

Many women have ovarian cysts without noticing them. However, if they grow large enough, you may experience pain in your pelvic region along with vomiting and fever. In addition to these signs, watch out for rapid breathing, dizziness, and weakness. These could mean the cyst has caused your ovary to twist. 

3. Ectopic Pregnancy 

INew York Pelvic Paint’s possible for one of your fertilized eggs to implant in your abdomen or fallopian tube instead of the uterus. The abnormality results in an ectopic pregnancy. Fetal development cannot continue as it usually would, and you will need emergency care to treat the condition. Watch for sharp pelvic cramps, as well as light bleeding, nausea, and vomiting. Additional symptoms include weakness, dizziness, and pain on one side of your body. 

4. Hernia 

A hernia occurs when a reproductive organ or piece of tissue squeezes through a weak spot in the muscle of your pelvic area. Most women will feel a sharp pain, burning, or aching. Other signs of a hernia include a lump or swelling, as well as increased discomfort when coughing, bending, or lifting. 

5. Uterine Fibroids 

A uterine fibroid is a non-cancerous growth on the uterus. They often occur naturally in childbearing women from the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Symptoms include pelvic pain and heavy bleeding during menstruation, as well as periods that last longer than a week. While some fibroids do not require treatment, others respond well to medication and surgery. 


Other reasons for moderate to severe discomfort include bladder and intestinal disorders and miscarriage. Schedule an exam with Dr. Taraneh Shirazian, MD, FACOG, and her dedicated nurses at the Women's Wellness Center of New York for empowering and patient-focused care. They are conveniently located on E. 84th Street in Manhattan and treat a range of women’s health issues like pelvic pain. Make an appointment by calling (646) 754-3300. For information about how they can assist, visit the practice online. View more than 100 of the doctor’s patient reviews
