
The cold weather is on its way, and it’s time to flip your air conditioner over to your heating system. It will need to warm up after months of not being used, and new weather factors can create complications. To avoid future issues, there are key HVAC preventative maintenance tips to handle in the fall. Taking care of these will ensure a smooth crossover and that your system is efficient throughout winter.

3 Tips to Keep Your HVAC Running in the Winter

1. Schedule an Inspection

It’s best to handle any lingering problems with your HVAC system and to have the pros take a look at everything. During an inspection, the HVAC contractor will assess any risk factors and address standing issues, as well as provide valuable advice on how to care for your system throughout winter. It’s a long-term investment that will pay for itself, and you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your system will function well.

2. Change Air Filters

hvac-preventative-maintenance-ziegler heating-and-air-conditioningThroughout spring and summer, dust, debris, allergens, and more have found their way into your ductwork. As they gather in the air filters, it becomes difficult for air to pass through, forcing your system to work harder while increasing energy use. To avoid this, replace any air filters that are overdue and consider a complete air duct cleaning to improve the indoor air quality. To avoid too much dryness, consider investing in a humidifier as well.

3. Clear Debris, Ice, and Snow

Throughout winter, you’ll want to keep an eye on your outdoor unit to ensure nothing interferes with it. For now, remove any foliage and buildup around it. You should invest in a cover to protect it from snow and ice as well. This will prevent anything from getting in and damaging essential parts. During your HVAC preventative maintenance inspection, the technician can take a closer look and advise on further specifics based on where your unit is located.


Residents of Ashtabula, OH, have turned to Ziegler Heating and Air Conditioning for all their maintenance, installation, and repair needs for nearly 80 years. Their full-service team has earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau® and is committed to providing clients with unrivaled service and results. If you’re ready to schedule an HVAC preventative maintenance inspection, call (440) 969-1141. To learn more about their services, visit them online.
