
When your pet has an emergency, having a trusted local vet by your side is critical to protecting their health. However, you shouldn’t just rely on your vet for emergency care. In fact, to help your four-legged friend lead a long and healthy life, it’s important to visit your veterinarian for routine checkups. But how often you should make these appointments depends on a variety of factors, including your animal’s age and general health. To help provide your companion with consistent care, here are a few standard rules to follow when scheduling visits with the vet.

A Guide to Scheduling Veterinarian Visits

For Recently Adopted Animals

veterinarianAfter adopting a cat or dog, schedule an initial checkup with the vet within a few days of bringing your pet home. If the animal is young, they’ll need to visit every few weeks during the first few months of life for vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and general care. Recently adopted adults should also visit the vet as soon as possible so they can be checked for pre-existing health conditions and catch up on vaccinations.

For Healthy Adults

In general, healthy adult cats and dogs should see an animal doctor about once every year for a wellness exam. During these appointments, your provider will assess your pet’s weight and overall health to catch and treat potential problems early on. Preventive care such as dental services and booster vaccinations will also be provided to defend your furry companion against serious health threats. These routine appointments are also a great way to make sure your pet’s following the right diet and fitness plan for their age.

For Senior Pets

As pets get older, their day-to-day needs will change. For example, they may need to avoid certain activities to avoid pain or injury. Your vet will also to monitor your pet’s diet and daily calorie needs so you can adjust appropriately. To stay on top of these needs and address signs of aging early on, your senior pet should have checkups about every six months to a year.


When you need to check in on your pet’s general health, Rolling Hills Veterinary Hospital will provide convenient and dependable care. As the premier veterinarian in Columbia, MO, this team will address everything from pet grooming to emergency surgery. They also offer extended and weekend hours to make scheduling more convenient for you. Visit this animal clinic online to learn more about their comprehensive services. For appointments, call (573) 449-7387 to reach the Buttonwood Drive location or (573) 449-3791 for the Keene Street office.
