
After undergoing eye surgery, whether it be removing cataracts or LASIK® to correct vision impairments, the days and weeks after your procedure are critical. While your eye doctor will provide instructions before you leave the eye care clinic, here’s some helpful information to embrace so you can make a quick recovery. 

Understanding How to Heal From Eye Surgery

What Do Eye Doctors Recommend After Surgery?

Eye SurgeryBefore leaving your vision center, your doctor will likely provide an eye shield as well as drops to help the healing process. Wear the eye shield when you sleep, for up to 10 days or based on your doctor’s recommendations, and use extra caution when moving around so you don’t bump or irritate the eye. Maintain a strict schedule of using drops, cleaning your eye at least twice a day, and monitoring your pain. It’s perfectly acceptable to use mild pain medication in the first few days after surgery. If pain persists or you have blurred, distorted vision or bloodshot eyes for more than a few days, call your doctor right away. 

What Should You Avoid While You Heal from Eye Surgery?

In order to properly heal, your eye needs to rest and stay protected. With this in mind, avoid any situations that could irritate your eye or cause trauma. This means staying away from the gym, strenuous physical activity, lifting heavy objects, or contact sports. To prevent bacteria from entering the eye, refrain from wearing eye makeup, swimming, hot tubs, and steam rooms for at least four weeks. Most importantly, do not drive, bike, or operate other vehicles until your vision returns to normal. 


Tri-State Ophthalmology, owned and operated by Dr. John Gross, MD, and Dr. Carter Gussler, MD, has been providing top-notch eye care in a state-of-the-art facility since 1963. If you’re based in Boyd County, KY, and you need eye surgery to improve your vision, call today at (606) 324-2451 to schedule an appointment. For more information on these trusted eye doctors and their commitment to providing friendly, compassionate care geared towards helping patients maintain healthy vision through every life stage, visit their website
