
Neck and back pain can make even the most mundane tasks challenging. Whether your back or neck pain stems from a vehicle accident, poor posture, too much sitting, a workplace injury, or anything else, there are plenty of things you can do to minimize the pain in between visits to your local chiropractor. Many small or relatively simple activities mitigate both acute and chronic neck and back pain.

Top 5 Tips for Relieving Neck & Back Pain

1. Start Every Day With Stretching

Loosen your muscles and get your blood pumping with stretches every morning. There are innumerable safe and effective stretches to select from, including those designed to elongate the spine, stretch connective tissue in the shoulders and back, and release pressure in the neck. Perform calf and hamstring stretches as well since issues with both can cause lower back pain.

2. Stop Looking Down At Your Phone

Get into the habit of looking at your smartphone straight on instead of bending your neck every time you get a text message or social media notification. Craning to view something on your phone causes the weight of your head to put extra pressure on your neck. Keeping the neck in this curved position with 10 to 15 pounds of additional weight pressing on it creates serious pain. Prop your laptop computer up on books or use a standing desk for the same reason.

3. Find Other Ways To Tone Your Abdominals

back painUse standing ab workouts with and without weights as well as plank exercises to tone and strengthen your core. Sit-ups and crunches strain the neck muscles, especially if they are performed incorrectly and you use your neck rather than your abs to move upward. These exercises also hurt the back by over-flexing the spine.

4. Sleep On Your Side

Sleep on your side with a pillow designed for side sleeping as well as a smaller pillow between your knees. This position puts the least amount of stress on the body, including the neck and back. Sleeping on your stomach, in comparison, twists your neck for seven to eight hours every night.

5. Sit Up Straight

Discuss healthy posture tips with your chiropractor to avoid curving your neck and back. Correct posture prevents muscle strain while also helping your spine remain in a lengthened, straight position.


North Pole Chiropractic provides the Fairbanks North Star, AK area with chiropractic health solutions that treat the whole body, not just neck and back pain. Dr. Harrison creates personalized treatment plans for patients to help them enjoy the lasting pain relief necessary to better quality of life. Call (907) 488 -1885 to make an appointment today or visit the website for additional service details. Like the chiropractor on Facebook for the latest healthy lifestyle tips.
