
There’s nothing like finding the perfect pair of shoes. You’ll know it the moment you step into it — it feels incredible, looks fabulous, and boosts your confidence. Yet, if you don’t take proper care of those shoes, they may pay the ultimate price. The best way to maintain your favorite footwear is to keep a few of these key repair tips in mind.

How to Prevent Broken or Damaged Shoes

1. Avoid Too-Tight Shoes

shoesIt can be disheartening to discover that the shoes you thought fit so well are too tight. When testing out your footwear, walk on a hard surface to get a better feel for it. And, if the shoes are too slim for your swollen feet, you can always take them to a shoe repair professional to have them professionally stretched out.

2. Prevent Worn Heels

The problem with wearing that treasured pair of heels repeatedly is that, over time, the heel will inevitably break down. While shoe repair experts can almost always replace the broken part, you can prevent it by having a professional place a rubber cap on the heel. This will prevent natural wear and tear.

3. Deal With Scuffs

A scuff mark can significantly take away from the beauty of a shoe. An eraser may help reduce the appearance on leather, while a soft bristle brush might do the trick on suede. You can also use shoe polish to conceal the mark. Of course, if the scuffing is significant, you can take the shoes to a repair shop.

4. Save Your Soles

Frequent wear can also take their toll on the soles of your flat shoes, like boots and sandals. You can prevent that by avoiding daily wear. As with your heels, a shoe repair shop professional can apply specialized rubber caps to prevent further damage to vulnerable parts of the heel and toe.


Beautiful shoes are only reliable when they’re in wearable condition! The experts at Sofia Shoe Repair Service recognize that, and they make every effort to protect and maintain your footwear. It’s just one of the many reasons that locals throughout Rochester, NY, have trusted them since 1945. If you need heel repair services, shoe dyeing, or recoloring, you can count on them to handle the job. Visit their website for details about these and other services, or call them at (585) 244-5907.
