
When developed early enough, proper posture can help people prevent painful back issues later in life. If you have a child and would like to help them keep back pain at bay, there are a few ways to encourage good posture from a young age. 

How to Improve Your Child’s Posture & Prevent Back Pain

1. Play a Posture Game

Children are more inclined to make a posture a priority when it’s presented as a fun game. Making wall angels is one way to demonstrate proper back alignment. Encourage your child to keep their back and arms against the wall while moving their arms up and down.

2. Lead by Example

Little ones often adopt their parents’ mannerisms. Sometimes, they may even do so unknowingly. While sitting, walking, and standing, make sure your shoulders are back, your stomach is pulled in, and you’re not slumped over. With these mindful adjustments, you may be able to prevent or minimize back pain, too!

3. Enroll Them in Classes

There are many physical activities which can support healthy alignment. Often, the foundation lessons of dance, yoga, and gymnastics are built on mastering proper posture. Determine which activity your child would like best and consider enrolling them in classes.

4. Provide Proper Furniture

Sometimes, children slump or sit awkwardly because their small stature makes it difficult to maintain proper posture in adult-sized furniture. To accommodate their smaller size, make sure they have a comfortable and appropriate space for doing homework and eating meals.  

5. See a Specialist if Needed

back painIf your child complains that maintaining proper posture is uncomfortable, take note. There could be an underlying cause of their back pain, such as scoliosis. For persistent posture issues, enlist the help of a pediatric chiropractor to address and treat the root cause.   


Could your child use some extra help with their posture? If so, don’t hesitate to contact the team from North Pole Chiropractic in Alaska. Specializing in treatment for children, this team provides effective solutions to combat the root cause of misalignments, back pain, and other frustrating spinal issues. Learn more about their services by visiting their website or call (907) 488-1885 to schedule an appointment.
