
October is National Substance Abuse Prevention Month, which serves to promote awareness about the widespread and life-threatening impacts of drug and alcohol-related harm. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, opioid overdoses are among the top three causes of injury-related deaths in the nation. If you’re one of the many Americans who has lost a loved one to addiction, you may understandably feel like you don’t know where to turn. Whether you just attended a funeral service or have been grappling with loss for years, these three tips may help you find some solace in the face of this devastating event.

Acknowledge Emotions

You’re allowed to feel more than just sadness after losing a loved one, especially when it occurs due to substance abuse. You may feel a variety of emotions during this time, ranging from shame to guilt and even anger. Rather than suppress these feelings, acknowledge them without judgment.

Consider writing them down in a notebook if you don’t feel comfortable talking to a friend; you may also want to visit a therapist. Experiencing conflicting or intense emotion after the death of someone you care about doesn’t make you a bad person; it makes you human.

Seek Support

funeral servicesRemember that you’re not alone in this. Last year, nearly 64,000 people died due to drug overdoses in the nation, which means thousands of grieving individuals can relate to your trauma and pain. While every situation is different, many people going through this find speaking to others who have endured similar hardships beneficial. Consider reaching out to local community groups or even online message boards to discuss your situation and read about others’. You may also want to reach out to others who attended the funeral service.

Spread Awareness

Some individuals who have lost loved ones to addiction find comfort in spreading awareness about substance abuse. While you never should feel pressure to serve as an advocate, doing so may create a sense of satisfaction in knowing that you may help save another vulnerable individual. Understandably, you probably won’t feel up to the challenge right after the funeral service. Take your time and only contribute what you can, if and when you feel ready. Whether you donate to a charity or volunteer at a local community event, even the smallest changes can make an impact.


Ohio is among the top five states with the highest numbers of opioid-related overdoses, which is why the caring team from Neidhard-Minges Funeral Home in Cincinnati strive to raise awareness about this devastating problem. Whether you need grief support or assistance in making funeral arrangements, the family-oriented team would be happy to help you during any challenging time in your life. For more information about funeral services, visit the website. If you have any questions or need a helping hand, call the funeral home today at (513) 661-3022.
