
As the temperatures begin to drop and winter starts moving in, caring for your pup and keeping him safe from frosty weather is important for his health and wellness. While fresh air is always great for pets, keeping dogs outside for long periods of time during the winter is not safe, especially while you are away for a long stretch of time. Consider dog boarding for your pets this winter.

Why Dog Boarding Is Important in Winter

1. Extreme Temperatures

When dogs are left outside for too long in frigid temperatures, their risk for frostbite and hypothermia increases. Most dog breeds, especially short-haired pups, are vulnerable to chilly weather. Frosty, icy paws can even lead to tissue damage. The best dog boarding facilities offer safe, heated, indoor and outdoor play supervised by trained professionals. If temperatures are dipping too low, your pet will be kept indoors where it is warm and cozy.

2. Safety & Supervision

dog boardingKeeping puppies unattended inside during winter may not always be safe. While outside temperatures are too chilly, hazards in the home can also be harmful to a dog when no one is there. Instead of attempting to safeguard your home every time you leave, save time and place pets in dog boarding facilities where you know they’ll be cared for and secure all day.  

3. Winter Chemicals

Besides drops in temperature, there are other items used during the winter that are dangerous for dogs. Salt and sand used to melt ice and snow on sidewalks and roadways are toxic if ingested. In addition, salt pellets may get stuck in their paw pads, leading to discomfort and other trouble.

4. Frozen Water

If your property is near a lake, pond, or another body of water, these areas will begin to freeze as winter approaches. Often, these areas may look completely solid but are in fact only stable on the top, meaning your dog could fall through into icy waters below. Even if ponds and lakes are frozen through, they are still slippery and can cause harm to a pet trying to walk across them.


Located in North Pole, AK, Golden Heart Boarding & Grooming provides quality dog boarding and by-appointment grooming services for all breeds. This pet boarding facility also offers nail trimming for cats and walk-in nail trims for pups. With a professional, caring staff and affordable options, pet owners know their furry family members are in secure hands. Call early to ensure your dog’s winter lodging at (907) 488-6866 or visit them online for more information on their dog boarding options.
