
If you're planning a home improvement project this year, you have a number of flooring options to consider, from hardwood and carpets to vinyl tiles or sheeting. However, for an inexpensive, durable solution, Rino's Tile & Stone, a flooring and kitchen countertop installation company in Anchorage, AK, recommends porcelain tile. Below, they discuss some of the benefits of this type of flooring.

5 Benefits of Porcelain Tile Flooring

1. Low Maintenance

Porcelain is exceptionally easy to clean and requires little maintenance. There’s no need to ever wax or polish it. Gentle detergent and warm water are enough to keep your floors spotless.

2. Stain-Resistant

Because of its hardness and density, it does not absorb moisture. Therefore, stains do not set in, even if you cannot wipe up the spilled juice or sauce immediately. This will keep your floor looking like new for years or decades to come.

3. Hypoallergenic

Porcelain tilePorcelain tile does not permit mold, dander, or smoke to penetrate. This makes it a terrific solution for people with pets or those who experience allergies.

4. Scratch-Resistant

Porcelain contains less clay and more of the mineral feldspar than other ceramics, which allows it to be manufactured under greater pressure. This makes it highly scratch-resistant and gives it a greater breaking threshold. It also resists harsh cleaning agents, withstands heavy weights, and is not susceptible to fire.

5. Versatile

Porcelain tile comes in a wide variety of colors and textures, making it one of the most versatile flooring options available. It can even mimic other surfaces, including marble and wood grain.

Porcelain tile makes a terrific, easy-to-clean flooring material. To discuss pricing and installation, contact Rino's Tile & Stone in Anchorage. They maintain a large showroom, brimming with gorgeous home improvement materials, from kitchen countertops to flooring. Visit their website to view a gallery of photos, or call (907) 743-1075 to speak with a professional about your options.
