
Relationships make up the richest part of the human condition. While conflicts are sure to arise between you and your family, partner, co-workers, and your friends, the key is to navigate conflict in a healthy and helpful manner. As a trusted family clinic in Onamia, MN, Mille Lacs Health System is taking September and October to introduce their “Healthy Relationships” fall wellness event, where they hope to assist people in building and maintaining healthy relationships with the help of skilled speakers.

How to Deal With Conflict in Relationships

Let Emotions Cool Down

Immediately after a conflict arises, you’re bound to feel angry or agitated. Let your emotions cool down a bit before discussing the issue any further. Take a walk, read a book, or participate in another activity that will soothe frustrated feelings. This will help you focus on something else and not ruminate about the conflict. Discussing an issue while still angry will only make matters worse.

Take Time to Listen

Family ClinicOnce you begin to discuss feelings, listen to the other person. Instead of waiting for your turn to speak, allow them to provide their perspective completely. Think about what the other person is saying and how your actions may have contributed to the conflict. Once he or she is done speaking, offer your side in a calm and rational manner. The goal should be to find mutual ground and go from there.

Leave It Behind You

Once the conflict has been solved, leave it behind you. Rehashing old arguments will only cause resentment and will contribute to future conflict. If you feel the issue wasn’t satisfactorily resolved, revisit the topic when you both feel up to it. If you find that you’re constantly in conflict with a person you care about dearly, consider scheduling an appointment at a local family clinic for either individual or couples’ therapy.

Good family health care should also address interpersonal issues like relationship conflicts. This is the goal of Mille Lacs Health System’s “Healthy Relationships" event being held Tues., Oct. 23rd. To that end, MLHS’s family clinic offers a variety of services to help when life gets rough, including elderly care and marriage and family therapy. Like Mille Lacs Health System on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all the latest happenings. Visit their website at to learn more about the “Healthy Relationships” event.
