
The cost of restorative dental options varies widely based on factors such as the number of teeth being replaced. While dental implants are almost always more expensive than their alternatives, such as full or partial dentures, many patients find their long-term advantages outweigh the initial investment. To help you make an informed decision for your dental care needs, discover how these solutions compare to cheaper alternatives over time.

How Dental Implants Compare to Dentures

1. Lifespan 

Although dentures are less expensive than implants initially, they could cost you the same or more in the long run. While dentures are intended to last only five to ten years, well-placed dental implants could last a lifetime. As such, if you’re seeking the option with the greatest longevity, implants are the way to go.

2. Comfort

dental implantsMany patients with missing teeth choose implants over other restorations because of their superior comfort. These false teeth function and look like natural ones, offering greater ease of use and stability than conventional dentures. It usually feels more comfortable to bite and chew with implants, and they are often considered more aesthetically pleasing than dentures.

3. Jaw Health

Dental implants fuse with your jawbone, which supports tooth roots and keeps the jawbone healthy and intact. With dentures, on the other hand, the roots begin to deteriorate, and gums can recede. The issue can lead to further complications and potentially invasive procedures, such as bone or tissue grafting. While implants require surgery, the approach is often cheaper and less involved than what you may need to address bone or tissue loss resulting from dentures.


Whether you’re considering dental implants, dentures, or another option to restore missing teeth, turn to Family First Dentistry in Anchorage, AK. Their seasoned team specializes in rebuilding smiles using the latest technology and will help you make the right choice based on your unique needs. Learn more about their solutions online or call (907) 562-2820 to schedule an appointment today.
