
Parents who share custody of their children must often navigate difficult terrain, filled with unexpected issues and challenges that can be difficult to resolve. A skilled family law office will help you write a parenting plan that resolves many of these differences before they arise, allowing you to make decisions in advance and provide children with the stability they need. Below are a few aspects every parent should know about creating a plan.

A Quick Guide to Parenting Plans

Legal Requirements

In many states, including Nebraska, parents are required to submit a parenting plan to the court when filing for divorce. If you’re unable to cooperate, each parent should submit their own proposed parenting plan describing living arrangements and how decisions should be made. The court will either accept your plan or create its own based on protecting the best interests of your children.

What Parenting Plans Should Include

family law officeThe more decisions you and your spouse make in advance, the fewer points of conflict there will be. When writing your parenting plan, consider where they will spend school vacations and holidays, who will pick them up and drop them off for activities, and what each parent’s responsibilities will be. You should also develop a process for making important decisions about your child’s health care and education, as well as establish a process for resolving disputes.

How a Family Law Office Can Help

While the court will establish a parenting plan for you, it’s always best for parents to resolve these matters between themselves. Common ground can be difficult to find when emotions are running higher, but a family law office can provide objectivity, offer mediation, and help negotiate an outcome everyone can accept.


Child custody issues are often difficult and frustrating, which is why families throughout Lincoln, NE, rely on Payne Law Office. They pride themselves on giving each client the personal service these crucial matters deserve and have the expertise to help you craft a parenting plan to protect your interests. Call (402) 477-7246 for a consultation at the leading family law office.
