
If you and your spouse have decided to divorce, there will be several things to consider as you prepare to go your separate ways. However, if you have children, it’s likely that custody will take top priority over all other concerns. Not only is child custody one of the most important issues for divorcing couples to work out, but it’s often also the most challenging. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be the case in your own situation. For parents who can come to an agreement without involving the court, mediation presents the opportunity to take a more civil and cost-effective approach to determining a custody arrangement.

What to Expect From Child Custody Mediation 

1. Meeting to Identify Child Custody Issues 

Once the day of your scheduled mediation session has arrived, you and your spouse will meet with a neutral third party whose role it is to help facilitate the conversation. Going into the meeting, both parties should be focused on the issue, which is a child custody plan, rather than anything having to do with the breakdown of the marriage. Before getting started, the mediator will go over the rules of arbitration and advise you on the confidentiality guidelines. 

2. Discussion of Potential Resolutions 

child custodyOnce the legalities have been established, you will begin by identifying the various issues that must be resolved in your case. In addition to living arrangements and visitation, these can include education, health care, religious training, communication practices between parents, holidays, vacations, and future modifications to the custody agreement. As you go over each matter, you and your spouse will discuss potential resolutions. For mediation to work, you must both be willing to listen to each other’s ideas and compromise when it will serve the children’s best interests.

3. Agreement on Custody Arrangements 

If you can reach agreeable terms on every issue that was brought up, your mediator will assist in drafting the child custody agreement. Keep in mind that this is a legally binding contract; it’s important to carefully review it with your attorney to make sure it accurately depicts what you agreed on. Once you are confident that it’s correct, you will both need to sign it and submit it to the court for final approval. 


Although the goal of mediation is to reach a child custody agreement by eliminating conflict and working together, it is still a good idea to be represented by an experienced family law attorney throughout the process. If you would like to find out more about the possibility of mediating your custody case, the professionals at Payne Law Office can provide you with effective legal advice. For years, they have helped the residents of Lincoln, NE, successfully settle their family law disputes in and out of the courtroom. Contact them at (402) 477-7246, or visit their Facebook page for more information. 
