
If you have a well on your property, you have access to clean, natural water, which you pay little to use. To keep your water source flowing well and preserve its quality, however, you need to perform basic water well maintenance. While many well maintenance and repair tasks should be performed by a professional, there’s a lot you can do to keep your equipment in good order.

Keep Contaminants Out

To keep chemicals and waste out of your water, make sure the well itself extends at least a foot above ground level. Grade your soil away from the well to keep runoff and rainwater from flowing toward it. If you are mixing pesticides or fertilizers, do not put your hose into the container, as this can cause chemicals to be siphoned back into the well. It’s essential to keep a cover over the top of the well and inspect it for damage regularly.

Arrange Regular Inspections

water well maintenanceAt least once a year, your well water should be tested by a professional for any biological or chemical contaminants. These tests can identify any bacterial activity, algae blooms, sediment in the water, and hazardous chemicals, all of which need to be treated to keep the liquid safe to drink. More frequent inspections are recommended for wells which have a history of problems.

Watch for Changes

Pay attention to the water coming from your well. If you see any changes in its appearance or quality—such as cloudiness or a metallic taste—these are indicators the water needs to be tested immediately to make sure it’s still safe. You might also observe well water changes indirectly. If you or your family often experience gastrointestinal illnesses, they could be caused by contamination and require professional water well maintenance to correct.


If you’ve seen changes in your well water or simply need an inspection performed, Conyers Well Service in Dimmitt, TX, is the well drilling contractor to choose. With their efficient operations and 24-hour service, they are the area’s most trusted provider of water well maintenance and installation. To schedule an inspection, call (806) 647-3215 today, or visit their website to learn more about their services.
