
The benefits of exercise and fitness for teens and adults are well-known. But it’s equally important for preschool children. Lucky Lane Nursery School in Saint Louis, MO, provides fitness programs as a part of their curriculum. Here, they explain three benefits of exercise for preschool-age kids. 

Why Fitness Is Important in Preschool  

1. Health & Weight 

An increasing number of kids and adults struggle with obesity and related health issues, including diabetes. Although weight and health are influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, diet and exercise play a significant role. If kids lead a sedentary lifestyle early on, they’re more likely to continue the habit throughout their life. By encouraging active play and exercise in kids, you’ll improve their chances of remaining healthy throughout their life. 

2. Mental Sharpness

preschoolExercise can also stimulate kids’ brains and make them mentally sharper. Participating in sports, dance, and other physical activity improves kids’ concentration, memory, and multitasking ability. They’ll also use their brains to make quick decisions and map out strategies. They may even learn math skills when keeping score and counting beats. 

3. Socialization & Emotional Well-Being 

Socialization is a crucial part of early childhood development. Experiences in these formative years can influence how kids form relationships and see themselves in relation to others. Sports and other physical activities allow kids to work with others while having fun. They’ll learn the importance of teamwork and build friendships while exploring how their talents can contribute to the greater good. It can also improve self-esteem and confidence, as well as emotional well-being due to the release of endorphins. 

If you’re a Saint Louis County parent interested in giving your child a high-quality preschool education, turn to Lucky Lane Nursery School. For over 65 years, they’ve provided top-notch early childhood education and academic development programs to children throughout the Creve Coeur area. Call (314) 434-4462 to speak with a friendly staff member or visit their website to learn more about their programs. 
