
Every central HVAC system has an air filter, which is usually located on the return duct or blower compartment. Most homeowners need to replace this filter about once every three months, but pet hair and other conditions will require you to change this component more frequently. If you have one pet, change the filter every two months. If you have more than one pet or severe allergies, you might need to replace the filter as often as every 30–45 days to stay comfortable. Here’s why it’s so important to replace your filter regularly.

3 Reasons to Replace Your HVAC Filter

1. Clean Indoor Air

Air filters trap many contaminants before they circulate through your duct system. They protect against dust, mold, pet dander, pollen, and other contaminants that could otherwise cause allergies or respiratory problems. Using a filter also helps cut back on dust accumulation, so your furniture and house will appear clean and more comfortable.

2. Efficient PerformanceHVAC

Dust and other debris can prevent your HVAC unit from circulating air, which causes the system to kick into overdrive. With time, an inefficient system will break down or need repairs. To avoid this problem and protect your HVAC unit, buy only high-quality air filters that will maintain consistent airflow. You’ll still need to replace the filters regularly to see the best results.

3. Energy Savings

With a more efficient system, you’ll also save money on your energy bill. If your HVAC unit can circulate air throughout the home easily, it will require less electricity to operate. You can lower your HVAC unit’s energy consumption by 5% to 15% just by replacing a dirty filter.

How to Choose the Right Air Filter

Most standard air filters are 1 inch thick, but higher-quality filters are 2–5 inches thick. Thicker filters generally produce better indoor air quality and might not need to be replaced as frequently. You should also compare the minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) of different filters. Models with a higher MERV rating offer better filtration. If any members of your household have asthma, allergies, or conditions with their immune system, you should also consider choosing a high-efficiency particulate-arresting (HEPA) filter.


Any time you need advice about your HVAC filters, consult the experts at Gary Duncan Service Company. These Trane®-certified professionals have served Olive Branch, MS, and the surrounding areas for more than 40 years. Specializing in all types of air conditioning and heating services, they handle system installations, repairs, and maintenance. To schedule an appointment, call (662) 895-2023 or visit their website for more information.
