
Many employers depend on reliable drug testing results to keep drugs out of the workplace. Urinalysis is the simplest and most popular solution, though it can be limited in what it detects. The staff at Artesia Drug and Alcohol Screening in Artesia, NM, advises that for a truly comprehensive testing, hair follicles are the best option. This analysis has a wide scope of detection and takes a deeper look into drug use.

3 Facts About Hair Follicle Drug Tests

1. They’re Highly Accurate

Hair follicle drug testing offers deeper insight into a person’s drug use because the metabolites of drugs are trapped in hair longer. With urine tests, these can be flushed within a few days. Hair follicles can trap them for years and are ideal for detecting cocaine, PCP, methamphetamine, and opium use. 

2. There’s a Larger Time Window of Detection

drug-testing-artesia-drug-and-alcohol-screeningWhile urinalysis usually only detects drug use within the previous 30 days or less—depending on the frequency of use—hair testing can go as far back as 90 days or even longer. Body hair can test for drug use up to 12 months back.

3. It’s Quick

Hair follicle testing has a quick turnaround time. Negative test results can be shared within 24 hours. If results are suspect, they go through a two-tier drug testing process to ensure accuracy. This typically takes 72 hours, though the results may be released sooner depending on the drugs being looked for.

If you’re interested in exploring hair follicle testing further, turn to the staff at Artesia Drug and Alcohol Screening. They offer a variety of drug testing services as well as genetic testing, and their staff is committed to providing accurate, reliable results. Call (575) 746-3404 today to schedule a consultation and visit their website and Facebook page to learn about their DNA paternity testing services.
