
Pet owners should always consider their furry friends’ comfort all year long. Now that summer’s in full swing, for example, it’s important to ensure your pets stay cool and hydrated. Here, a veterinarian from Elkton’s Cherry Hill Dog & Cat Hospital shares a few tips for helping your dog or cat through the hot summer months.  

How to Help Your Pets Beat the Heat 

1. Monitor Their Water Intake

Make sure your pets always have access to fresh water so they can drink as needed. If you’re concerned about dehydration on especially hot days, there are several creative ways to increase their fluid intake. For example, you can feed them wet food or soaked dry food, provide ice cubes to munch on, or put out a bowl of chilled low-sodium chicken broth for dogs or tuna water for cats. 

2. Avoid Playing Outside in the Middle of the Dayveterinarian

If your schedule allows, take the dogs out in the mornings and evenings, when it’s cooler. During the hottest time of day, even a simple walk at a leisurely pace can sap dogs of their energy and increase the risk of dehydration. 

3. Keep Them Well Groomed

Most cats don’t need help when it comes to grooming, but dogs certainly do. Brush them daily to facilitate the shedding process, and give them cool baths as needed. If you’re considering shaving them, talk to your veterinarian first. In most cases, shaving is a bad idea because fur protects dogs from the sun and acts as a kind of insulation to keep them cool. 

For more great tips on helping your pets thrive, turn to Cherry Hill Dog & Cat Hospital. Located in Elkton, MD, this animal hospital has been providing comprehensive pet care for more than 50 years. Whether you recently adopted a puppy and need dog vaccinations or your cats need flea control, you can rely on them for quality and affordable care. Visit their website to explore all the services they provide, and call (410) 398-1331 to make an appointment with a veterinarian today. 
