
Whiplash is one of the most common auto accident-related injuries, and it’s important to understand what it is, as well as the symptoms. In many cases, it doesn’t manifest until days later, and you need to know when to seek treatment. The staff at American Health Chiropractic in Milford, OH, advise that there are specific signs of whiplash and want to explain the condition, as well as treatment options.

What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is a form of neck strain or sprain. It occurs when the head is jolted backward or forward unexpectedly, which is common in fender benders and other collisions. Whiplash from an auto accident can vary in severity—typically, the joints located between the neck vertebrae, ligaments, muscles, discs, and nerves can all be damaged.

auto-accident-american-health-chiropracticIn some cases, symptoms don’t appear for days or even weeks, which is why it’s important to always get examined after an auto accident, even if you feel fine. Signature symptoms include neck pain and stiffness, dizziness, and headaches. The pain may also extend to your lower back and between your shoulder blades. Even if symptoms are slight, never let them go unaddressed, as it can lead to more serious injuries.

How Is It Treated?

When you first see a chiropractor, they may recommend X-rays or imaging tests, like MRIs and CT scans, to get an in-depth look at your neck. Once they diagnose the whiplash, they’ll explore treatment options. They can range from taking basic over-the-counter pain medications or chiropractic massage and adjustments to icing or immobilization. Each patient is unique, and if your pain is affecting other parts of your body, you may need a more extensive chiropractic care plan to recover.

If you’re dealing with whiplash or other pain following an auto accident, turn to the professionals at American Health Chiropractic. Their team has over 22 years of industry experience and can address a number of issues, including neck pain, chronic back pain, and headaches. They offer adjustments and manipulations, massage, and imaging services to their patients and will build a custom plan to ensure a swift and complete recovery. Call (513) 576-6699 today to schedule a consultation and visit their website and Facebook page to learn more.
