
To ensure you stay healthy, it’s crucial to engage in the best weight management practices. Additionally, it’s important to remember that as a parent, you’re a role model for your children’s eating behaviors. By practicing healthy habits as a family, you’re all more likely to develop positive, long-term behaviors. Below are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure everyone achieves overall well-being.

Encourage Positive Eating Habits

A proper diet is crucial to weight management. Make sure the meals you provide yourself and the kids with are filled with vegetables, whole-grain items, and fruit. To ensure everyone gets a serving of protein, include beans or lean meats like poultry. Instead of offering soda or other sweetened beverages, serve water or low-fat milk.

Positive eating habits aren’t just about the food you serve, however. Make sure you consume items that are good for you too, not just providing them to your children. Educate kids on the importance of eating healthy and let them know while it’s fine to have a treat once in a while, these should be consumed only in moderation. If they ask for a snack, serve them an apple or banana as opposed to sugary sweets or potato chips.

Make Physical Activity a Family Affair

weight managementExercise isn’t just crucial to maintaining a healthy weight. It also helps everyone build strong bones and positively impacts mood. Make physical activity something the whole family enjoys together. You could all go for a bike ride each week, or take a long walk as a group after dinner. Sign the kids up for sports or dance classes they express interest in them, and discuss how working out is both fun and good for you.


If you need help finding the right weight management techniques for yourself or your family, speak with the professionals at Nebraska Weight Management Institute. With locations in Lincoln and Omaha, they are dedicated to not only helping their clients shed unwanted weight, but also to changing their habits for life. For more information on their services, call the Lincoln clinic at (402) 483-4770 or the Omaha clinic at (402) 399-9386. You can also visit them online to find out more about the institute.

weight management
